yin and yang sign on a beach


Whenever we manage to just be aware of our emotions instead of acting them out, a whole new perspective opens up. We can see ourselves and others without judgement and reach better decisions, because it´s not our emotions that harm us, it´s trying to avoid them. I can´t tell you anything about yourself that wasn´t there in the first place, but trust me to ask the right questions for you to come up with stuff you hadn´t been aware of. If you can look at it, you can heal it. And when you heal it, gifts will emerge you had no idea you posessed.

Coaching is like a dive. The coach dives along into the process and makes sure that everyone, no matter if in a single session, a couple coaching or a group, makes it safely back to the surface. In my coaching sessions I provide a safe space for looking at repressed emotions, identifying and healing them. Couples in the power struggle or the dead zone stages of their relationship get the chance to perceive themselves and their partner in a new way and, most importantly, to re-bond. This new common ground allows for a quality of communication that wasn´t available before.

The healing of at least one layer of the problem may happen very quickly. This brings thoughts and emotions back into the flow. A situation that looked static all of a sudden turns into a scenario of multiple possibilities. Life is an adventure again!

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