Forgive yourself!

It may sound trivial at first, but practise it a while: Whenever anything happens that makes you feel less than happy, say the words of power, “I forgive myself for this”. You can even say them every ten minutes just to see how that makes you feel.

What happens is that you begin to realise just how often you attack yourself. We do it all the time. Self-attack is the biggest problem we have. Underneath every attack there is self-attack. If everyone was feeling loved, worthy and at peace with themselves, there would be no wars, no strife, no conflicts. We would be able to see each other as innocent and help each other rather than attack.

Try getting your team or family to shout out, “Forgive yourself!” whenever anything untoward happens. The computer breaks down? “Forgive yourself!” The cat throws up in the parlour? “Forgive yourself!” Your boss has a go at you? “Forgive yourself!”. It will turn into a running joke, providing comic relief.

But it also points toward a perspective where we take responsibility for everything that happens in our life as part of a story told by us. Whatever happens is thought up by us because we wnat to lern something. So what is it you want to learn when the cat throws up? Get interested. Find out. Learn. And whatever you do – forgive yourself.