How to manifest

Manifesting means to make something visible that didn´t show itself previously or that wasn´t even there. The thing about manifesting is that you imagine how you want to feel when whatever you have in mind will appear. All the rest – in what form exactly it will come about and how you reach that place – you hand over to Heaven.

That´s where things usually go wrong. We humans like to do things the way we think is best, so we make our wish and then maybe wait a day and a half before we start doing all sorts of things to make sure it really happens the way we want it.

But that´s not how it works. You can´t control a miracle. All our control will achieve is that we inadvertently push away what Heaven is trying to give us. It takes courage to trust and wait to see what will come through, especially when you feel under pressure.

But something miraculous and unexpected will happen if you surrender yourself to Heaven. I found the courage to let Heaven lead after I miscarried at 39 and the probability of my having a successful pregnancy was not very high. In the same way I found a place in a nursing home for my mother one Monday morning in Munich when there were no vacancies and we badly needed a safe place for her. I´m sure you have examples of your own when you think about it.

Put your trust in Heaven fully and completely and it will give you all you could ever wish for.