Should I stay or should I go?

Here is an exercise my teacher, Chuck Spezzano, has led me through many times. It reveals something new every time if you rely on your intuition. The important thing is to trust the first answer that pops into your head.

Think of a specific goal you have. You want to lose weight, find a new partner, attract more customers, for example. Is it working? If not it´s a sign that you have a split mind about it. You want it and you don´t want it at the same time.

Now ask yourself the following questions and answer them intuitively. Don´t think, just trust the first number that comes up. How many percent do you want success? How many do you not want it? The numbers don´t have to add up. You can have 70 percent yes and 40 percent no. How does that feel?

Now again, answer the following question intuitively: Why do I not want this to happen? The reason may be fear of your own greatness (a classic), revenge (you´re still trying to show someone they did it wrong. Mum and dad are hot contenders), fear of change (goes much deeper than you think!) and more. Feel the fear or revenge or tantrum that is stopping you.

Now you know what´s going on in your subconscious, you have a choice. First of all: Forgive yourself! You´re doing great uncovering your hidden agenda. If you want to beat yourself up about it, of course you can do that, but it will stop you moving forward. If you forgive yourself it will free your will to step up and be successful.

You´re doing this for yourself, but also for everyone around you. Just think how your loved ones will thrive if you stop finding reasons why you can´t and go for it instead. It´s a win-win!