“I´m ready for the next step”

Sometimes it is hard to know what the next step might be. The thing is: Knowing the next step is not your job. All you have to do is let go of what isn´t working. If you think about it, you will probably realize that this has happened in your life before. It wasn´t an accident. You can make it happen again.

Years ago, when I was still a journalist, I got a new line manager who decided I wasn´t fit to do what I had actually been doing successfully for some time. All he let me do was minor jobs. The lack of trust and the sheer boredom of it got me so unhappy and confused that I started messing up even the most basic things. It was just awful. Finally, I decided to quit. I had no idea what to do instead, but I knew without a doubt that things could only get better.

Very shortly afterwards, a colleague I liked appeared next to me in the canteen and asked out of the blue: “Would you like to edit the childrens´ page?” It was a new project and I had no special qualifications for it. Never in a million years could I have planned this. But there it was and I jumped at the chance. Editing the childrens´ page became the love and honour of my life as a journalist for over 20 years – creative, meaningful, great fun and totally connected with the sweetest readership in the whole world.

So, don´t worry about what to do next. Leave that to providence, the Tao or whatever higher power you feel is watching over you. They will offer you a solution much more brilliant than anything you could come up with yourself. All you have to do is let them know: “I´m ready for the next step!” and sooner or later, it will happen. You may have to repeat this mantra over and over to convince yourself of it. That´s ok. Keep going. The next step, however big or small, is waiting to come to you.