Training Program “Return to Oneness”
The world we see is entirely made up by our own perception. Any conflict in the world points to a conflict within us. This means that we can change anything that doesn´t make us happy. Sounds simple, but it takes a lot of courage and commitment to actually go through with it. What´s in the way are our own challenging emotions and, well, our bad attitude.
This carefully crafted year-long online program teaches you how to face yourself, fire your ego as your consultant and let Heaven take over. The people in your learning group will be your companions, your mirror and your laboratory. Find out how you can bring more love, understanding, equality and joy into your life.
The program includes more than 70 video and audio recordings featuring Chuck and Lency Spezzano, the founders of Psychology of Vision, as well as beautifully presented written materials: 20 easy-to-follow chapters packed with invaluable exercises.
Together these form a comprehensive guide to the dynamic principles of the healing model of Psychology of Vision. You’ll learn how the healing works as well as the energetic shifts that are needed for that healing to take place. You’ll have mentoring, support, and guidance as you work in unison with your facilitator and learn side by side with your study mates.
All participants will be assigned a “buddy” within the group, i.e. a conversation partner for the entire year with whom they will check in regularly, do exercises and share the adventure of this course.
The 20 chapters are taught fortnightly (longer intervals during vacation periods) for ten to twelve months on Zoom. One session will take four hours. Price for the whole program: 5.500 € (incl. VAT).
Please fill in the form if you want to find out more. Since participants in English live in different parts of the world, we will decide together which dates will work for everyone. My suggestion is to hold the sessions on weekends to ensure maximum flexibility for all.