Finding New Ways For Your Company
Leadership: Inner Balance
In a leading position, accountability and responsiveness are crucial. You will inevitably run into certain situations and people who will trigger old patterns and unfinished business from your past. If you´re unaware of this, you will react to the past and thus transfer the problem into the present.
There are very effective ways of learning to discern what is really going on and taking responsibility for your emotions by healing the fracture underneath. This will restore your ability to respond and do what is needed for the benefit of all.
My hourly rate for managers is 250 € plus VAT. A coaching session normally lasts 90 minutes.
The Team: Everyone Wins
We divide our world into winners and losers. Yet, we will only overcome the many challenges of the present if we develop a new sense of community that strengthens, inspires and sustains very member of the team.
The iceberg model is one of many tools which allow us to explore the emotions, beliefs and hidden decisions that lie beneath a seemingly unchangeable situation. If we turn our attention away from the same old routines on the surface to what lies underneath, we can change our whole perception. What we see as reality outside of us is actually formed by our own beliefs, thoughts and emotions.
The group process is designed for every participant to develop a new understanding of themselves and others, to reassess situations and, on this basis, to find solutions that would previously have been unthinkable.
One coaching day for a group in a company (ten people) is 1.500 € plus VAT. Flat rates are available if you want to book me for several days.