There must be a better way

We keep thinking: What am I supposed to do? How do I do this? What do I do next? All these question point us in the wrong direction. The only thing that makes any difference is the PAUSE after the realization that you want things to change. That´s the one time your ego shuts up (and for that very reason it will of course pelt you with all kinds of useless suggestions).

Keep going back to this point: There must be a better way. Don´t form any thoughts about it, just observe your emotions without reacting to them. It may feel uncomfortable. That´s okay. Stay centered as best you can. Delete all sentences starting with: “But …”.

Sooner or later you will notice what comes in. Sometimes it takes just a moment, sometimes a bit longer until you perceive it – a new quality, a piece of the puzzle that will help you to find a better way. And even now don´t do anything. Let it come to you. The shift takes place within. The outside world will follow.