You can leave the room in the middle of a screaming fight and take a deep breath. All you need is a moment of quiet to realize: This can´t be it. We can do better than this. That is the beginning of your healing.

The beauty of this mantra is: You don´t have to know what the next step is. You don´t have to know how big it is. You don´t have to plan anything. All you do is want the next step and it will come to you as surely as the sun rises.

If you have a goal but it doesn´t materialize you can be sure that you have a split mind. You want it and you don´t. Here is a way to deal with it.

You can´t heal an issue on the level it appers on. What you want to do is move up one or several levels to get a new, calmer and happier perspective.

There is an art to manifesting. It only works if you surrender yourself and the thing you have in mind completely to Heaven. It can´t happen if you try to control it.

When you are in a conflict it looks like the other person is your adversary. But what if they are your team partner and you have set yourselves the mutual task to tackle this thing that is showing itslef as a conflict between you?

You have no idea how often you attack yourself. We do it all the time. In fact, there is no attack that isn´t preceded by some form of unconscious self-attack. If you want to find out more about this mechanism and heal it at the same time, try these words of power: “I forgive myself for this.”